Monday, February 15, 2010

Wine for my Valentine

I hope everyone had a very special Valentines Day (or un-Valentines Day).

In an attempt to avoid unnecessary drama (as my apathetic self tends to do) I took an "Ellen Day" on Valentine's Day. I spent the day loitering in cafe's, doing reading for school, and wandering the city. There is so much going on in this city every hour of every day. You look down the street and just see an unbelievable mass of people. All kinds of people, really. My roomate, Sarah, has commented more than once that though she knows she's a tourist, she's still sick of all the tourists around here. Being a local for only three weeks now, that's a strong statement. Though, I can't say I disagree entirely, the eclectic selection of visitors and locals of London makes for some fantastic people watching.

I browsed the neighborhoods of London for the perfect coffee shop, but never really found it. If there's one thing I know it's that i absolutely refuse to visit a Starbucks while I'm in Europe. (Yet, without explanation, I have a strange urge stop in a McDonald's... just once.)

I ended up stopping for an early dinner at Strada, an Italian chain restaurant. I should have known better than to stop at a chain, but alas I did. The food wasn't bad by any means, but it didn't exactly change my life. Regardless, having a nice relaxing dinner alone was refreshing. And on a side note, I can't tell you how much I enjoy being able to order a simple glass of wine at dinner.

Before I left the restaurant, a smiling Moroccan man stopped me to ask if I'd like to join him and his friends/colleagues for dessert. Though I respectfully declined, we exchanged numbers and met up later for drinks. The conversation was lovely and I had a chance to practice my absolutely awful French, (for this charming Moroccan speaks seven different languages. Oh la la.). Being treated to a few glasses of wine on Valentines Day was a lovely way to end my evening.

Today was spent at The British Museum for my Intro to Drawing class. I just love that class. I love drawing. Though I never have time for it on my own time, forcing my self to sit down and draw at least once a week is therapeutic. It also gives me a good excuse to see the museums of London. While I was drawing in the refectory, Lucas proposed that I draw up a tattoo idea and he'd give me 5 or 20 pounds. Hey, I'm broke... I'll do anything.

I also played pool tonight and, not that i'm trying to toot my own horn or anything, but I'm not half bad. I won three out of five games. I feel pretty accomplished for that. Won my lost earring back from Sebastian and even got a couple beers out of the deal. I think I'm going to start playing pool more often (Even though 2 pounds a game is ridiculous).

Another day in London has ended and it's time to sleep. Heavy schedule tomorrow: two whole classes. How do I keep up with it all. :-P Goodnight!

Cheers&Hiccups, LNNS

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