Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Planned Parenthood saved from budget cut

This afternoon, Senate voted against the bill that would cut Planned Parenthood funding. The bill, created by House Republicans, was rejected 44-56. Though Senate has a long way to go before effective action is taken on the budget--demands on both sides run unrealistic as of now--this is exciting news for the thousands of people out there who depend on Planned Parenthood for the benefit of their sexual health. Planned Parenthood is an important resource and I refuse to let the government ignore it's value and jeopardize the rights of youth--both men and women--like me.

Sadly, I missed the Springfield, Mo. area Feminist Happy Hour today, but I'd like to raise a glass to all of my fellow women out there. Cheers to strong and empowered voices being heard!

The Washington Post posted a well-opinionated sketch of the Senate's decisions (or lack there of). I encourage you to read it.

To celebrate, Here's a truly awesome video shot by students at Wesleyan University in Connecticut.

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